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Waiting it out is not going to put an end to your or your partner’s infertility. Just like any other medical condition, there are multiple treatments available for those struggling to have a child because of infertility. According to a worldwide survey, more than 75% of the couples undergoing infertility treatments find the desired fertility solution & will conceive successfully with the use of advanced treatments such as In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Intrauterine Insemination (IUI). Over 3 million babies have been born worldwide through such infertility treatments.
The most common symptom of infertility is the failure to conceive after a year of trying. At this point, one should consult a fertility physician to explore other infertility treatments. For women over 35 years of age, if she is unable to conceive after six months of trying, solution through fertility treatment should be considered as well. The same goes for women who have irregular menstrual cycles. It’s important that both partners evaluate themselves as male infertility is just as common as female infertility.
Male infertility constitutes 40% of infertile couples. Male infertility factors include low sperm count, blocked sperm ducts or low motility of sperm.
Additionally, infertility in 40% of couples is traceable to a female partner. Factors may include little or no ovulation, blockages of the fallopian tubes, or abnormalities in their reproductive organs.
The remaining cases are those where no specific reasons can be found.
Bad timing can be a major contributor towards the failure to conceive. Ovulation tests can indicate the exact time of ovulation and determine the best time to attempt to conceive thus saving from surgical infertility treatments. These tests are useful to measure the level of hormones that trigger ovulation and can become an easy fertility solution. Typically, these levels will increase 12 to 36 hours before ovulation occurs. If the test results are unclear or show negative consistently, then you should consult your doctor. About 33% of all female related infertility cases are related to irregular ovulation.
Many medications are available to help women ovulate regularly. Clomiphene citrate is the most common of these medications. These medications are usually effective and relatively inexpensive. About half of the women who use such medications have a chance to conceive. This will typically happen within three cycles. Clomiphene citrate causes the release of more than one egg at a time, which increases the risk of multiple pregnancies.
If trying ovulation medications for more than 6 months does not result in a successful pregnancy, then hormone injections might be recommended to stimulate ovulation. Several different fertility protocols are available as solution. Compared to clomiphene citrate, injectable hormones have a higher chance of multiple pregnancies.
Blockage of the fallopian tubes prevents pregnancy in many women. This may be due to overgrowth of the uterine lining tissue outside the uterus (endometriosis) or previous surgeries. Pelvic infections may result in damaging the fallopian tubes as well. Laparoscopic surgery can remove scar tissues in women, thus increasing their chances of conceiving.
Intrauterine Insemination is a common infertility treatment. During this procedure, sperm is placed directly into the uterus near the egg. This reduces the distance the sperm must travel to reach the egg. Ovulation is tracked closely since timing is critical. In certain situations, doctors may use fertility drugs to stimulate ovulation. Pregnancy rates are lower compared to IVF, but this procedure is less expensive and less invasive, so it is often attempted first.
You can also perform IUI with a donor’s sperm if the male partner has a low sperm count. Counseling is advisable before proceeding with this choice as the child will be biologically unrelated to the father. IUI with donor sperm can be highly successful as well.
Physicians may recommend IVF as a fertility solution for a variety of reasons. When using IVF, the egg fertilization occurs in a laboratory. The created embryos are placed inside the uterus. A surgical procedure retrieves the eggs from the female partner before creating the embryos. Hormone injections are used to stimulate ovulation and ensure the uterine is prepared to accept the embryos. Pregnancy rates per cycle do vary based on a variety of factors. In certain cases, more than one cycle is necessary to conceive.
When male infertility is a factor when trying to conceive, intracytoplasmic sperm injection along with IVF may be recommended. During this procedure, a single sperm cell is directly injected into the egg. This reduces the dependence on the strength and motility of the sperm. Fertility specialists will transfer the created embryos into the uterus in the same way as IVF embryos. Most IVF cycles are now combined with ICSI for better results.
Women with poor egg quality, who are older, or who have not had success with previous IVF cycles, may choose to use IVF with donor eggs and her partner’s sperm. The child born with this treatment option will be related to the father and not the mother, even though the mother carries the pregnancy. The live birth rate when using donor eggs is similar when using fresh embryos.
Traditionally, in IVF, embryo transfer took place when they were at the stage of having 2 to 8 cells. In a blastocyst transfer, the embryo can grow or incubate for 5 days until they reach a later stage of development known as the blastocyst stage. After that on day 6, your fertility specialist will transfer the blastocyst into the uterus. This method further increases the success rate of IVF.
In rare cases, A couple or individual who has completed their IVF process successfully and have embryos to spare for others in need, may donate embryos. Transferring donor embryos is less costly than standard IVF or IVF with donor eggs. Since the embryo creation did not occus using the mother’s eggs and/or the father’s sperm, the baby will not have biological relation to either parent.
Surrogacy can be a good option for women who have trouble or cannot medically carry a pregnancy to term. Two types of surrogacy are available. The less popular option, traditional surrogacy is where the surrogate’s own eggs are used, and pregnancy is achieved through insemination from the intended father’s sperm. Gestational surrogacy is the other option where an embryo creation takes place with the mother’s egg and father’s sperm in a laboratory. The embryo is then transferred into the surrogate. Gestational surrogacy allows the baby to be related to one or both parents.
There are many records regarding success rates for IVF clinics around the nation. However, this should not be the only factor when choosing the right clinic. When doing your research, keep in mind their procedures and costs. Call the clinic and make sure you get answers to all your questions. The clinic you choose will be helping your build the family of your dreams, so you should be comfortable with your choice.
A few lifestyle changes can increase your chances of a healthy pregnancy before sorting to infertility treatments. Both partners, if they’re smokers, should quit smoking right away. Smoking can reduce fertility and pregnancy rates. A study showed a dramatic increase in sperm count in men who stopped smoking. Changes in eating habits will also help you become more fertile, as well as taking dietary supplements if recommended by your doctor.
If you would like to learn more about your fertility treatment options, you can visit our reproductive fertility center irvine or call us at 949-726-0600.
Our fertility clinic focuses on helping you build your family regardless of your sexual orientation or the gender you choose to identify with. We are even taking further steps to make LGTB people feel more welcome at our fertility clinic. Each of our patient-facing staff goes through LGTB training to let family-building clinicians provide necessary support and make you feel highly welcome.
Coastal Fertility Medical Center offers one of the most advanced fertility treatments and is completely transparent regarding the costs of procedures and any other expenses that you may have to pay before commencing your treatment. This differentiates us from some fertility clinics that reduce prices before the signing of the contract but charge you extra later on. We make sure our patients are well aware of any possible extra pricing that may occur over the course of their treatment.
The infertility industry is currently segmented, with each service or treatment being handled by a different provider. Our all-inclusive model simplifies an otherwise complex and difficult process. We are here to revolutionize the infertility industry by offering a one-stop-service model to assist our patients through infertility challenges while reducing physical, emotional, and financial risks.
Our globally respected team of specialists are helping improve IVF technologies to enter into a generation of better outcomes for infertility. Although you’ll have a doctor guiding you, you are also going to benefit from the experience and insights of other doctors during case review collaboration meetings, which take place every week. So, you won’t just rely on the expertise of a specialist but benefit from the knowledge of many reputed fertility experts.
Our team specializes in difficult cases and help patients who may have been considered “hopeless” at other fertility clinics. Thanks to our personalized solutions, expertise, and internal collaboration, weare able to maximize pregnancy success rates that are well above the industry average, even in difficult infertility cases.
We know that every situation is different and that everyone requires different treatments. Unlike facilities that take “a one-size-fits-all” approach for all cases, our fertility specialists use more than 40 customized protocols to raise the chances of success. The customized approach even extends to our fertility laboratory. Our on-site lab director and his highly-experienced team nurture every embryo and egg to increase the odds of success of each cycle.
Coastal Fertility Medical Center offers one of the most advanced fertility treatments and is completely transparent regarding the costs of procedures and any other expenses that you may have to pay before commencing your treatment. This differentiates us from some fertility clinics that reduce prices before the signing of the contract but charge you extra later on. We make sure our patients are well aware of any possible extra pricing that may occur over the course of their treatment.
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Following the Preimplantation Genetic Screening process, which helps ensure there are normal chromosome numbers and detects possible genetic disorders, the most healthy embryo(s) are selected to be implanted into your or your chosen surrogate’s womb. 2 weeks after the transfer of the embryo, your physician will conduct a final blood test to determine the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in your body. Increased hCG levels usually indicate a positive pregnancy test.
For fertilization to take place, the collected egg and sperm are combined in a petri dish and cultured in an embryo incubator. This dish is closely watched to check whether any of the eggs have been fertilized. Once the egg is fertilized, it is referred to as an embryo or a blastocyst on the 5th day of development. Our in-house embryologist carefully nurtures every embryo to the right time, even if it means working outside the standard business operating hours. For instance: If an oocyte is not mature, our laboratory will wait for it to mature and then ICSI it at the right time.
The egg retrieval is a slightly invasive medical procedure that takes about 20 to 30 minutes. You will be given an anesthetic to make you sleep for the duration of the procedure. Using ultrasound technology, your doctor will harvest your eggs transvaginally with a small, hollow needle connected to an ultrasound probe. Once your eggs are collected, your partner’s semen or donor sperm you have pre-selected is used for fertilization. The sperm are washed and prepared, and the top-quality sperm extracted is used to fertilize the eggs.
Your doctor will create a customized medication schedule that contains information about the fertility medications and hormone injections you have to take. Medication and injections are taken to encourage your ovaries to mature a large number of eggs for fertilization. Since women don’t respond to fertility drugs and hormones the same way, personalized protocols are crucial to the IVF cycle success. At Coastal Fertility, we will monitor you closely, letting you understand the changes occurring in your body and keeping track of how your egg follicles are growing.
On-site consultations typicallyinclude a standard fertility evaluation, consisting of a physical examination, complementary follicular ultrasound, and testing to enable your doctor to know your present fertility status and draw up a treatment plan.
This consultation includes a detailed medical evaluation with a doctor. You and your physician will review your health records and have enough time to talk about your goals and get answers to your questions. We recommend that you jot down all your questions before the visit to allow you to make the best use of the time spent with your doctor.
Your Reproductive Endocrinologist will take all factors into consideration and create a comprehensive plan of care, otherwise known as the treatment plan. This plan will include treatment recommendations from the physician and enable your financial coordinator to make a precise quotation once you meet.
Our globally respected team of specialists are helping improve IVF technologies to enter into a generation of better outcomes for infertility. Although you’ll have a doctor guiding you, you are also going to benefit from the experience and insights of other doctors during case review collaboration meetings, which take place every week. So, you won’t just rely on the expertise of a specialist but benefit from the knowledge of many reputed fertility experts.
The infertility industry is currently segmented, with each service or treatment being handled by a different provider. Our all-inclusive model simplifies an otherwise complex and difficult process. We are here to revolutionize the infertility industry by offering a one-stop-service model to assist our patients through infertility challenges while reducing physical, emotional, and financial risks.
Our fertility clinic focuses on helping you build your family regardless of your sexual orientation or the gender you choose to identify with. We are even taking further steps to make LGTB people feel more welcome at our fertility clinic. Each of our patient-facing staff goes through LGTB training to let family-building clinicians provide necessary support and make you feel highly welcome.
We know that every situation is different and that everyone requires different treatments. Unlike facilities that take “a one-size-fits-all” approach for all cases, our fertility specialists use more than 40 customized protocols to raise the chances of success. The customized approach even extends to our fertility laboratory. Our on-site lab director and his highly-experienced team nurture every embryo and egg to increase the odds of success of each cycle.
Our team specializes in difficult cases and help patients who may have been considered “hopeless” at other fertility clinics. Thanks to our personalized solutions, expertise, and internal collaboration, weare able to maximize pregnancy success rates that are well above the industry average, even in difficult infertility cases.
Upon your arrival, you will check in with a Patient Care Coordinator. We will obtain your insurance information for benefits verification, a copy of your identification and take a picture for your electronic medical chart
Coastal Fertility is the leading provider of fertility solutions located in Orange County. Join us to get free updates on fertility news, treatments, infertility solutions and more.
Coastal Fertility is the leading provider of fertility solutions located in Orange County. Join us to get free updates on fertility news, treatments, infertility solutions and more.