On-Demand Fertility Seminar On-Demand Egg Freezing Seminar
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Offering advanced fertility treatment options worldwide

Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)

Assisted Reproductive Technologies or ART, include several different techniques or procedures now available to help couples achieve fertility after other surgical and hormonal methods have failed. These procedures employ techniques that retrieve eggs from the ovary and reimplant them. Fertilization may occur either in the laboratory or in the uterus. For many couples, ART offers the best hope of achieving pregnancy. Following is a link to the description of each of these procedures and how they work

Artificial Insemination (AI)

Places sperm directly in the cervix (called intracervical insemination). Artificial Insemination is useful for women who have structural problems, when the cervical mucus is unreceptive, when donor sperm are required, when the male partner’s semen contains very low numbers of sperm, or when unexplained infertility exists in both partners.

In order to prepare for AI, a woman usually takes fertility drugs in advance. The man must produce sperm at the time the woman is ovulating. The sperm are then “washed”, using high-tech laboratory procedures and are then inserted into the uterine cavity through a long, thin catheter. To reduce the risk of multiple births, the amount of the drug and the response to it is carefully monitored with several ultrasounds and blood tests for estrogen levels.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

Involves placement of sperm following separation from seminal fluid into uterine cavity.

Tubal Reversal: Microscopic Tubal Reconstructive Surgery

Treatment for reversal of tubal ligation or tubal obstruction is often referred to as tubal reversal. Tubal ligation reversal (reanastomosis) is a surgical procedure, which can restore the function of fallopian tubes, which have been blocked by a previous sterilization operation. Reversal operations are performed using microsurgical techniques, in which microscopes or loupes are used to visualize and bring together the very narrow hollow center portion of the fallopian tubes. Tubal reversal microsurgery also uses very thin suture materials, the smallest possible incisions, specially designed instruments and non-traumatic tissue handling techniques. Tubal reversal patients go home the same day.

Ovulation Stimulation

Treatment for women who do not ovulate. This treatment requires the use of ovulation-inducing drugs such as Clomiphene, Humegon, Pergonal, Metrodin, or Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH). Monitoring involves follicular sonograms and serum hormonal tests.

Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery

Treatment for tubal obstruction, pelvic Endometriosis and/or adhesions; ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy. Involves a small surgical incision through the naval.

Advanced Hysteroscopic Surgery

Treatment for intrauterine insemination adhesions, polyps, fibroids, and uterine septum; tubal catheterization for tubal obstruction. Involves the insertion of a small scope through the vagina and cervix.

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