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A gay surrogacy refers to a surrogacy arrangement where both the Intended Parents are same-sex married or unmarried couples. Similarly, surrogacy for single parents means an arrangement where single individuals (male or female) pursue surrogacy to achieve parenthood.
Thanks to the progressive laws of many states in the U.S., surrogacy for gay parents and individuals is much simpler and convenient compared to other countries.
In general, there are two types of surrogacy gay couples can opt for: gestational surrogacy and traditional surrogacy.
In traditional surrogacy (which is rarely practiced nowadays), the Surrogate is artificially inseminated with a donor’s or the intended father’s sperm to achieve a pregnancy. Hence, she has a biological connection with the child.
Gestational surrogacy is the other type of surrogacy and the only family-building option for LGBT couples/individuals looking to have biological children. It requires legal and medical expertise and a good support system throughout the journey.
Embryos are formed in a fertility clinic’s lab through IVF, using the gay parent’s sperm and a donor’s eggs. At the clinic, one or more embryos are transferred into the womb of the Gestational Surrogate, who carries the baby to term. In this case, the Surrogate Mother does not share any genetic tie with the baby she is carrying.
Surrogacy is a huge financial and emotional investment towards building the family you have always desired. Hence it’s always a better option to move forward with a reputed surrogacy agency.
Although surrogacy is an excellent option for LGBT people who want to add a new member to their families, it’s not for everybody. Hopeful parents need to consider the pros and cons of surrogacy to know whether it is good for them.
Below are some of the merits and demerits of surrogacy for same-sex couples
A lot of these pros and cons apply to gay individuals and couples as well as other members of the LGBT community. No matter the parents’ sexual orientation, it is essential that every intended family considers these benefits and challenges and their unique situations when planning to embark on a surrogacy journey.
A lot of planning and coordination goes into a surrogacy process. A good surrogacy agency works with hopeful parents, guiding them through every step of the journey. Your agency should be the expert in surrogacy, so you don’t need to be.
Here are three things gay Intended Parents need to look for in a surrogacy agency:
Each state and country has unique laws and regulations for Gay Intended Parents considering surrogacy. Working with a surrogacy agency with a great level of expertise in surrogacy laws can help ensure hopeful parents have a rewarding and successful journey.
Your surrogacy agency should have an expert legal team that handles all the legal aspects of the surrogacy process, giving you peace of mind that your parental rights will be affirmed and safeguarded.
Surrogacy agencies should offer Intended Parents optimum support all through their journey. An ideal surrogacy agency should have experienced lawyers, social workers, accountants, and program managers on their team so that parents can have their journeys coordinated by a single team without any need for 3rd parties.
Becoming a parent through surrogacy is one the most wonderful things a person can experience. Aside from having the baby you have always desired, you also build a strong connection with your Surrogate Mother – and her family. Surrogacy is an exciting, safe option to create a family of your dreams.
Unlike in heterosexual surrogacy where the genetic materials of both parents are usually used to produce an embryo, Same-sex Intended Parents need to choose whose egg or sperm are going to be used.
A lot of Intended Parents choose to fertilize many eggs for implantation using the sperm of both partners, giving one or both of them the chance to be the baby’s biological father.
Although it may be easier to work with an unknown egg or sperm donor, a lot of gay couples and individuals prefer to work with a known donor during their surrogacy journey.
Hopeful parents may decide to use the sperm of one partner and eggs donated by a close relative of the second partner so that both fathers can share a genetic connection with the baby.
Surrogacy laws are complicated and vary from one state to the other. But don’t allow that to deter you from pursuing surrogacy as a means of building your family.
However, it’s important to talk to an attorney who is an expert in homosexual surrogacy and gay parenting issues.
While surrogacy for same-sex parents and straight parents is very much similar, there are some things that differentiate gay surrogacy from heterosexual surrogacy.
It is crucial to know your parental rights and the surrogacy laws in your country or state and in the state where your Surrogate lives.
This is a court order that establishes parental rights before the baby is born. Pre-birth order is only available in some US states. However, you can get a post-birth order in other states.
Enables the mother of a newborn to assign the baby’s father without having to go to court.
Gives the legal custody of the baby to the Intended Parents
This gives the couples or individuals permanent parental rights over the surrogate child.
It’s recommended that Intended Parents still get a second parent adoption even in cases where it’s possible to obtain a pre-birth or post-birth parentage order as some states don’t recognize parentage established this way.
Helps ensure that the baby’s guardianship is ascertained in case one or both parents die. When a same-sex marriage is illegitimate, it becomes essential to establish these documents.
The matching team at your chosen surrogacy agency will do their best to pair you and a Surrogate depending on three requirements, one of which is being fit for surrogacy legally.
It’s essential to make sure your Surrogate mother resides in a state where you can easily establish your parental rights over the child.
Being HIV+ does not stop you from having a baby safely via surrogacy. An HIV-positive man can still add a new member to their family through the SPAR program.
The Special Program of Assisted Reproduction (SPAR) has enabled thousands of people living with HIV to create their families via surrogacy.
It is offered by the Bedford Research Foundation Clinical Laboratory, which has assisted HIV parents in giving birth to more than 300 children safely without any risk of transmitting the dreaded virus to the babies.
The surrogacy process can seem intimidating and complex for gay couples or individuals looking to become parents, given:
The journey to parenthood through surrogacy involves several milestones, and working with an agency can make it easier for you to navigate every step of the process and allow you to focus on the most important thing: getting ready for your baby’s arrival.
Finding an Egg Donor is one of the most crucial steps in your family-building journey. Find out how LGBTQ people select their donor, what to search for in a donor, and how both of you can select the Egg Donor that’s best for you.
Finding the right Egg Donor for your surrogacy journey can be challenging. After all, you are choosing the young woman who’ll be donating 50% of your child’s biological material!
If you are a same-sex couple and both of you are donating sperm for the production of your embryos, it is difficult to imagine what the baby will be like. Hence, as you begin your search for a donor, it is good to have an idea of what qualities you are looking for in a match:
Maybe you don’t know what you’re looking for in a donor or how to begin your search, and that’s fine! Many hopeful parents believe they would know the ideal match when they see one and make a list of requirements to consider when going through donors’ profiles.
A lot of gay fathers have revealed that the woman they later matched with is very different from the perfect woman they originally wanted to have as an Egg Donor.
Chances are that you’ve done your research and have a list of criteria you want in an Egg Donor only to discover that no donors tick all the boxes. Re-evaluate your list and prioritize five requirements that are most important to you and search again.
Let’s say a gay couple prioritized education and physical appearance when searching for a donor. As they begin to go through the donor database, they couldn’t find exactly what they wanted. They eliminated some of the requirements from their list and later found their ideal woman, whose motives for becoming a donor got them hooked instantly.
The more flexible you can be, the easier it will be to find your ideal match!
Finding the woman who’ll help carry your baby is another major milestone in your journey to becoming parents through surrogacy. Trust your surrogacy agency to assist you in finding the ideal Surrogate match.
A lot of Surrogates are excited at the opportunity to help LGBTQ people build their families through surrogacy. They know the joys that come with becoming a parent and want others to experience the same.
Both Intended Parents and Gestational Surrogates will complete a questionnaire about the kind of person they want to be paired with, what they expect from their surrogacy journey, as well as the level of communication they are okay with.
It is crucial to be honest when filling out this questionnaire as the answers provided and your location are often used to match you with a surrogacy partner.
There are some criteria on which you are going to be matched with your Gestational Surrogate.
Hopeful parents are paired with the Surrogate based on preferences like:
If you are undergoing a surrogacy journey on your own as a single parent, you can also use the above as guidelines regarding what to look for in a match.
Each US state has its own set of surrogacy laws. Therefore, it is important that the agency’s legal team makes sure the surrogacy laws in the Surrogate mother’s state align with the laws at the hopeful parents’ state or country.
The legal team will first need to approve a match from a legal point of view before a Surrogate profile is sent to Intended Parents.
After the legal team has curated a list of safe matches, the matching team will go through the list to ensure great personality fits so that both parties can have a comfortable relationship all through the surrogacy journey.
The hopeful parents and Surrogates will then have phone calls or in-person meetings with the matching team early in the surrogacy process to know each party’s personality regarding surrogacy.
Agencies also consider both parties’ expectations and hopes for the surrogacy journey, including the level of communication and number of embryos to implant in the womb.
Intended Parents and Surrogates are often asked to state their views on pregnancy termination to make sure they both have similar views.
It is important to make sure both parties share the same views in case a situation occurs where a selective reduction or termination is required.
We are thankful to modern reproductive science for making surrogacy possible for countless hopeful parents. With this life-altering process, gay and single parents can now have their biological child.
Coastal Fertility Medical Center has partnered with Physician’s Surrogacy and helped many LGBT couples and individuals realize their dream of having a family. Schedule a consultation today to see how we can help your family become complete.
Our fertility clinic focuses on helping you build your family regardless of your sexual orientation or the gender you choose to identify with. We are even taking further steps to make LGTB people feel more welcome at our fertility clinic. Each of our patient-facing staff goes through LGTB training to let family-building clinicians provide necessary support and make you feel highly welcome.
Coastal Fertility Medical Center offers one of the most advanced fertility treatments and is completely transparent regarding the costs of procedures and any other expenses that you may have to pay before commencing your treatment. This differentiates us from some fertility clinics that reduce prices before the signing of the contract but charge you extra later on. We make sure our patients are well aware of any possible extra pricing that may occur over the course of their treatment.
The infertility industry is currently segmented, with each service or treatment being handled by a different provider. Our all-inclusive model simplifies an otherwise complex and difficult process. We are here to revolutionize the infertility industry by offering a one-stop-service model to assist our patients through infertility challenges while reducing physical, emotional, and financial risks.
Our globally respected team of specialists are helping improve IVF technologies to enter into a generation of better outcomes for infertility. Although you’ll have a doctor guiding you, you are also going to benefit from the experience and insights of other doctors during case review collaboration meetings, which take place every week. So, you won’t just rely on the expertise of a specialist but benefit from the knowledge of many reputed fertility experts.
Our team specializes in difficult cases and help patients who may have been considered “hopeless” at other fertility clinics. Thanks to our personalized solutions, expertise, and internal collaboration, weare able to maximize pregnancy success rates that are well above the industry average, even in difficult infertility cases.
We know that every situation is different and that everyone requires different treatments. Unlike facilities that take “a one-size-fits-all” approach for all cases, our fertility specialists use more than 40 customized protocols to raise the chances of success. The customized approach even extends to our fertility laboratory. Our on-site lab director and his highly-experienced team nurture every embryo and egg to increase the odds of success of each cycle.
Coastal Fertility Medical Center offers one of the most advanced fertility treatments and is completely transparent regarding the costs of procedures and any other expenses that you may have to pay before commencing your treatment. This differentiates us from some fertility clinics that reduce prices before the signing of the contract but charge you extra later on. We make sure our patients are well aware of any possible extra pricing that may occur over the course of their treatment.
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Following the Preimplantation Genetic Screening process, which helps ensure there are normal chromosome numbers and detects possible genetic disorders, the most healthy embryo(s) are selected to be implanted into your or your chosen surrogate’s womb. 2 weeks after the transfer of the embryo, your physician will conduct a final blood test to determine the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in your body. Increased hCG levels usually indicate a positive pregnancy test.
For fertilization to take place, the collected egg and sperm are combined in a petri dish and cultured in an embryo incubator. This dish is closely watched to check whether any of the eggs have been fertilized. Once the egg is fertilized, it is referred to as an embryo or a blastocyst on the 5th day of development. Our in-house embryologist carefully nurtures every embryo to the right time, even if it means working outside the standard business operating hours. For instance: If an oocyte is not mature, our laboratory will wait for it to mature and then ICSI it at the right time.
The egg retrieval is a slightly invasive medical procedure that takes about 20 to 30 minutes. You will be given an anesthetic to make you sleep for the duration of the procedure. Using ultrasound technology, your doctor will harvest your eggs transvaginally with a small, hollow needle connected to an ultrasound probe. Once your eggs are collected, your partner’s semen or donor sperm you have pre-selected is used for fertilization. The sperm are washed and prepared, and the top-quality sperm extracted is used to fertilize the eggs.
Your doctor will create a customized medication schedule that contains information about the fertility medications and hormone injections you have to take. Medication and injections are taken to encourage your ovaries to mature a large number of eggs for fertilization. Since women don’t respond to fertility drugs and hormones the same way, personalized protocols are crucial to the IVF cycle success. At Coastal Fertility, we will monitor you closely, letting you understand the changes occurring in your body and keeping track of how your egg follicles are growing.
On-site consultations typicallyinclude a standard fertility evaluation, consisting of a physical examination, complementary follicular ultrasound, and testing to enable your doctor to know your present fertility status and draw up a treatment plan.
This consultation includes a detailed medical evaluation with a doctor. You and your physician will review your health records and have enough time to talk about your goals and get answers to your questions. We recommend that you jot down all your questions before the visit to allow you to make the best use of the time spent with your doctor.
Your Reproductive Endocrinologist will take all factors into consideration and create a comprehensive plan of care, otherwise known as the treatment plan. This plan will include treatment recommendations from the physician and enable your financial coordinator to make a precise quotation once you meet.
Our globally respected team of specialists are helping improve IVF technologies to enter into a generation of better outcomes for infertility. Although you’ll have a doctor guiding you, you are also going to benefit from the experience and insights of other doctors during case review collaboration meetings, which take place every week. So, you won’t just rely on the expertise of a specialist but benefit from the knowledge of many reputed fertility experts.
The infertility industry is currently segmented, with each service or treatment being handled by a different provider. Our all-inclusive model simplifies an otherwise complex and difficult process. We are here to revolutionize the infertility industry by offering a one-stop-service model to assist our patients through infertility challenges while reducing physical, emotional, and financial risks.
Our fertility clinic focuses on helping you build your family regardless of your sexual orientation or the gender you choose to identify with. We are even taking further steps to make LGTB people feel more welcome at our fertility clinic. Each of our patient-facing staff goes through LGTB training to let family-building clinicians provide necessary support and make you feel highly welcome.
We know that every situation is different and that everyone requires different treatments. Unlike facilities that take “a one-size-fits-all” approach for all cases, our fertility specialists use more than 40 customized protocols to raise the chances of success. The customized approach even extends to our fertility laboratory. Our on-site lab director and his highly-experienced team nurture every embryo and egg to increase the odds of success of each cycle.
Our team specializes in difficult cases and help patients who may have been considered “hopeless” at other fertility clinics. Thanks to our personalized solutions, expertise, and internal collaboration, weare able to maximize pregnancy success rates that are well above the industry average, even in difficult infertility cases.
Upon your arrival, you will check in with a Patient Care Coordinator. We will obtain your insurance information for benefits verification, a copy of your identification and take a picture for your electronic medical chart
Coastal Fertility is the leading provider of fertility solutions located in Orange County. Join us to get free updates on fertility news, treatments, infertility solutions and more.
Coastal Fertility is the leading provider of fertility solutions located in Orange County. Join us to get free updates on fertility news, treatments, infertility solutions and more.