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Coastal Fertility IVF Success Rates

At Coastal Fertility, we utilize the most current technology and techniques to give you the highest chance for pregnancy. Our physicians and scientists are leaders in the field who lecture, perform research, and continually evaluate every step in the IVF process to ensure that you obtain the best results possible. Individual success is dependent on many factors, and treatment protocols are individualized for that reason.

A woman’s age is the single most important variable affecting success rates, with the ability to become pregnant decreasing sharply after the age of 40. It is still possible however, to achieve pregnancy after the age of 40. For many patients age 43 or above, donor egg IVF is a highly successful treatment option.

IVF Success Rates

Comparing IVF success rates from one fertility clinic to another fertility clinic may not be an accurate assessment of your ability to become pregnant. Factors that affect IVF success rates include the age of the female, specific medical conditions of the patients, and the acceptance criteria of each clinic for assisted reproductive techniques. Coastal Fertility Medical Center does not ‘turn away’ patients for fear of lowering our success rates – we work tirelessly to help hopeful parents have a child through the best means possible, and with great success!

A comparison of clinic success rates may not be meaningful because patient medical characteristics, treatment approaches, and entry criteria for ART may vary from clinic to clinic.

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