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Online Resources & Links

Support Groups

American Infertility Association
Offers education, referrals, research, support and advocacy for those dealing with Infertility and Reproductive health disorders.

Embryo Adoption Resources
During IVF treatments, couples harvest multiple eggs and produce many embryos; those embryos that are not used in the first transfer are frozen for future attempts. These frozen embryos are the substance of hope for the infertile couple. If the couple conceives without using all of the stored embryos, they may choose to have the remaining unused embryos donated or placed for adoption, thereby allowing other infertile couples the experience of pregnancy and birth.

Embryo adoption is a relatively new process in which individuals who have frozen embryos that they do not plan on using to build their families agree to release the embryos for transfer to a recipient couple. The adopting family may either be known or anonymous to the donors. The intent is that the embryos will be transferred into the womb of the recipient mother, so that she and her husband may bear a child and be that child’s parents.

Fertile Thoughts
Provides topic-specific chat rooms where you can share information and support with other couple undergoing infertility treatment.

International Council on Infertility Information Dissemination
A nonprofit information and support group with numerous links to other sources of medical and legal information.

P2P is committed to offering you the support you need before, during and after your journey to become parents. They provide helpful information, answer questions, find additional resource and emotional support.

This national support group offers fact sheets and information on local chapters.

General Information

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)

American Society for Reproductive Medicine
A membership organization for Infertility professionals providing numerous papers and fact sheets.

  • Fact Sheets and Info Booklets
    The ASRM Patient Fact Sheet  is a series produced under the direction of the ASRM Patient Education Committee and the Publications Committee.

Conceiving Concepts, Inc.
Conceiving Concepts, Inc. is a premiere Fertility products and service company. Their goal is to arm you with tools to help you through your Fertility journey. Their Publishing division offers books and information on Fertility management as well as greeting cards and posters which share from the heart the triumphs and tribulations often encountered in the quest for a child. This company originated from the founder’s own frustration with her 7 year Infertility struggle. She wishes to give other women who struggle with Fertility problems the tools to make their own journey a little less confusing and a little more comforting. The ultimate goal of Conceiving Concepts is to start up a Fertility Foundation with a portion of the profits from the company. This money will be distributed to those in need who cannot afford Fertility treatment or adoption. Although this will take years to accomplish, it is a start, a tally of this fund can be found on their website.

Infertility (About.com)
Resources, links, bulletin board, chat.

Internet Health Resources
The Internet Health Resources Web site provides access to specialized health topics and Infertility information including: IVF, GIFT, TET, egg donor, sperm banks, research, Metrodin, Pergonal, Clomid, adoption, and Surrogate mothers. Their Infertility Resources section provides extensive Infertility information, including diagnosis, treatment, providers, subject matter experts, books and videotapes, newsgroups, and organizations

As an organization, Merck’s core values are driven by a desire to improve human life, achieve scientific excellence, operate with the highest standards of integrity, expand access to products and employ a diverse workforce that values collaboration. Merck offers a number of fertility medications.

OBGYN.NET – Infertility
Physician-reviewed section of OBGYN.net offering both medical professionals and patients the latest news, articles, research and other references into Infertility, its causes and possible treatment.

Reproductive Sciences Medical Center

Reproductive Sciences Medical Center (RSMC) is a leading medical clinic that offers useful information through latest news, articles, and free seminars. With their wide range of fertility treatment options, they strive to provide a seamless journey for parents, egg donors, and Surrogates. Visit their page to learn more about the different treatments and procedures in the world of reproductive sciences.

ReproSource is the leading national reference laboratory for infertility diagnostics. By offering the most comprehensive selection of advanced diagnostic tests, we provide clinicians and their patients with answers to complex problems of reproductive failure.

Serono: Fertility Lifelines
Fertility LifeLines™ is a free, confidential, educational resource that provides customized information and support to people with fertility health concerns. A single phone call can put you in touch with customer service representatives and benefits specialists. Fertility LifeLines™ is provided by EMD Serono, the leader in fertility health.

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