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Coastal Fertility Blogs


According to data by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), women in their thirties are now having more babies than those in their twenties in the US. And that is good news – it shows that American women...Read More
Although the terms “subfertility” and “infertility” are sometimes used interchangeably, they have different meanings. Subfertility refers to a delay in getting pregnant. Infertility, on the other hand, is the inability to become pregnant after a year of trying. In subfertility,...Read More
Infertility is one of the most common signs of endometriosis. 1 out of every 3 women with endometriosis have difficulty getting pregnant for reasons not well understood. Endometriosis has also been associated with a lower rate of live birth, and...Read More
Infertility is a difficult, trying experience for couples or individuals looking to have children. Unfortunately, the treatment options available for this condition can appear complex and overwhelming to hopeful parents. But there is one option to improve your fertility and...Read More
Infertility can be an emotional, trying experience for couples looking to build a family. As hopeful parents, you have spent several years and even a fortune on infertility treatments without achieving success and perhaps, that is when you thought of turning...Read More
There are a lot of factors you need to consider when thinking of having a baby. One of the most important of them is age. The effect of age on fertility as well as pregnancy is closely related. Women who...Read More
If you have been trying to conceive but to no avail, it’s only natural to look for ways to improve your chances of getting pregnant. Perhaps your fertility doctor has advised that you adopt a healthier lifestyle or any treatment...Read More
Remember your sex ed teacher saying, “it only takes one time to get pregnant?” But the truth is, conceiving is often harder than we are led to believe, especially as we become older. A lot of Intended Parents and hopeful...Read More
Women often get much of the blame when they are unable to become pregnant. But the reality is, male fertility is a contributory factor in 30 to 40 percent of infertility cases and may require treatment as well. What are...Read More
Providing infertility insurance coverage can not only help employers attract new employees but also play a key role in retaining employees. It is still a big problem for many men and women who are struggling to have a family to...Read More
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